about this website

The Sanctions Tracker website collects the names of those people (now there are 7444) who should be subject to international sanctions for participating in the criminal war against Ukraine, for supporting Russian aggression, or for aiding the Putin regime. Here is a simple and convenient mechanism to work with the complete categorized list, which is posted on the ACF website.
This list is the result of the work of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, founded in 2011 by Alexei Navalny, a leading opponent of the Putin regime. We have invested in the list more than a decade of experience in anti-corruption investigations and a deep understanding of how the Russian government functions and at what point a blow to it can be most painful.

“ACF 6,000 List”

The first version of the list was published in April 2022, shortly after the outbreak of full-scale war. At that time, it contained about 6,000 names. The May resolution of the European Parliament refers to “the list of 6 000 individuals presented by Navalny’s Foundation”. Since then, the name “ACF 6,000 List” was taken. Also, it has become much longer.
We have described the principles of its drafting in detail in our presentation. There you can also read why personal sanctions remain an effective leverage against warmongers and their accomplices.
For each individual, we list the name, date of birth, if known, and reasons for sanctions, including position held or role in supporting Putin’s regime and its war. The site also lists the countries that have already imposed sanctions against that individual. We regularly update the list and make adjustments to keep it up to date - for example, we keep track of changes in positions.

“searching the list”

We have prepared a convenient search with multiple filters, which we hope will help in identifying new targets for personal sanctions.
Surname searches are available in Russian and English. We take into account all variants of the English transcription used by countries that have already imposed sanctions.
All people are grouped by category. You can expand/close a particular description by clicking on the last name, or expand/close all descriptions by clicking on the word “Figurant”. In the description you will see on what basis this or that person was included in our list.
You can select the categories you are interested in by clicking “plus” to the left of them in the menu. To exclude the display of people included in certain categories, press “minus” there as well. Similarly, you can sort the persons by countries that have or have not imposed sanctions on them, as well as use combined sorting. The number of selected filters is displayed in a red circle on the corresponding button. All applied filters are visible in the search results.
There are two categories on the list for which we do not consider sanctions to be a priority:
“Former regime collaborators” (those who left sanctioned positions but were not removed from the list because they did not fulfill the condition of repentance);
“Searching for data” (those whom we cannot yet identify with the 100 percent accuracy necessary to impose sanctions).
All of these individuals remain on our list.
You can quickly reset all filters by clicking the “Reset Search” button. The site displays the first 50 search results. To see more, click the “Show More” button at the bottom of the page.
You can save your search results as a PDF file (this takes some time if there are 500 or more people on the list you want to save) or as a CSV file. To save the results, click the “Download” button. When downloading to PDF, the filters applied when generating the list are visible.
If you have any suggestions or you found an error on the website, please let us know via [email protected]

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The Anti-Corruption Foundation (EIN: 85-0774334) is a US registered 501(c)(3) private foundation. US donations are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.